Mr Toad

By James Mulvey; posted October 8, 2016

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Many gardeners put toad houses in their gardens. Toads are quite beneficial eating a variety of bugs and insects. One thing most people tend to overlook is water. This year we have received little to no rain since mid April. Every year we put out a birdbath type dish on the ground near the porch. Not only for toads but snakes and passing frogs take advantage of it. Here it is mid-October and Mr. Toad is having a drink from the cats dish. That's right, having a drink. He generally stays in the water for several hours. Seems toads do not drink but absorb the necessary water through their skin. All summer we have had no rainfall and no overnight dews have formed on the grass. We have several toads here year after year - they live for longer than you would think. Some people say they are even trainable and will come to a particular voice for food. We also have a toad house for them, an empty turtle shell no less.