Unusual Brookfield 164 in apple green - It has a big head!

By Lee Brewer; posted March 10, 2016

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Update below initial text:

On the left is a pretty typical shape for Brookfield CD 164 (though non-typical - beautiful! - color). On the right is a Brookfield CD 164 with a very large crown (yes, I know it needs a bath). What I find interesting about both of these is they are similar apple green color. The color most likely places tham as being made at the Brooklyn, NY Brookfield plant before 1906. Since Brookfiel got the BGMCO molds in 1897, we also know the earliest date for the larger one (1897- June 30, 1906).

I am wondering if the one on the right might not be a retooled B.G.M.Co CD 164 mold? Thanks to Larry Bauman I also have a light aqua with the same profile as the one on the right

Thanks to Brent and others, I know now these fat head (oh, excuse me - diameterically challenged dome) 164s also can show the B.G.M.Co. blot out on them. So these were retooled B.G.M.Co. 164 molds.

Mine does not have the blot out on it.