Luna moth alert

By Bryan Lane; posted December 31, 2015

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The post about moths and butterflies on ICON recently reminded me about how amazing moths and butterflies are. One such amazing resident of Ohio (and in this one's case the upland forests found at the edge of unglaciated Ohio) is the Luna moth. I'm no moth expert (birds are easier to study) but it's my understanding that this guy or girl is waiting here for the sun to go down before it'll start flying around. The moth will fly around and spend all its time looking for a mate. After successfully ensuring the survival of its species it perishes. It has no mouth since it doesn't eat, it just uses the energy it obtained as a caterpillar to complete its mission, which takes about a week. I'm used to finding a wing every once in a while, but to see the big cute moth alive and doin' its thing is something of a rarity... at least for me. Just one of many amazing elements of the natural world... a big green moth that floats around at night in the dark with no mouth.