162.3 W Brookfield lineup... or is it?

By Lee Brewer; posted September 28, 2015

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I specialize in the 162.3. Like other CDs, they have some variance in profile, but are generally similar. Three Brooklyn-plant Brookfield 162.3's L to R 1. Left is a Windex Blue (same color as Windex CREBBs) 2. The middle is an unlisted ice green. 3. The right is an amber swirled green

Now take a closer look at the middle one. Notice anything unusual? How about its missing inner skirt?! Inpsection inside shows it was manufactured this way

Gotta love Brookfield!

So... 162.3 Brookfields are classified as different CDs from 162.

162 Brookfields and other manufacturers have their own 134 counterparts (some from the exact same mold)

Since inner-skirtless CD 162s are CD 134s, is this middle CD 162.3 a hypothetical CD 134.3?


BTW - the middle piece looks almost clear in a window - the backlit display emphasized the ice green color.

Answer: B/c this is a signal without an inner skirt, it is being classified as a CD 134. Although with an inner skirt it would have its own CD number, the CD system is a consolidated system so all inner-skirtless signals are lumped together as 134s. So that identification of the different profiles is not lost when everything is lumped together, Dario told me the profile drawings that have been started to be included in the back of the price guide are what is being used to help people find the exact profile of a CD.