help with this porcelain piece

By Eric Halkyard; posted March 30, 2015

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Hello ICON,

I recently purchased this thing because it seemed insulator related but I don't know what it is. It seems to be newer as far as porcelain goes and measures apx. 3" X 3". I don't understand what the 4 notches are used for at the base of the skirt, nor do I know what the vertical grooves are inside of what would be the pinhole. I can picture it sitting on some type of metal spline but do not know why or if that is accurate. Any help or photo would be great for my understanding, thanks a lot,

Thanks to Chris Hernandez for posting a photo of other pieces that look like this:


Identified as being used for neon lights in some way......Thanks Chris

Also Elton Gish got back to me with some great information on the application of these units, as well he refers to an earlier posting of one of these units and how they look when they are complete see here [id=178617097]

Thanks Elton,
