102 star star S.F. blot one side {not blots see updated other post}

By Mike O'Loughlin; posted August 23, 2014

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Found these in Dexter 2$ea tried to get the blots in the sun light, and found my camera that gets better quality (yeah!) but doesn't come close to the colors that I see in life {boo!} Anyway, they have nothing on dome, star on each side, and an S.F. blot on one side. Looks like they used an iron rod to manipulate them during manufacture up in the pin hole. A couple are perfectly centered and would look like an Elmer ring if you didn't have others to compare it to. also on a couple the glass had cooled just a bit more leaving a bubbled or dimpled top of the pinhole off centered.. ones on the right seem to show up better in this shot