Variety of insulators for sale

By Craig Boehm; posted June 14, 2014

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I will be listing hundreds of insulators over the next month's here is the first group's. All prices including shipping costs. if more info or pictures are every required of a particuliar insulator please let me know.

1. Threadless Mcmicking typical base chipping no embossing cut off on this one $75.00 shipping included.

2. CD 143 royal purple canadian pacific railway insulator one small base flake/chip asking SOLD

3. Super tough to get CD 143 G.N.R. much more difficult to get than the more common C.P.R. varieties colour is light purple has some little flaking on upper wire ridge one of the nicest I have sold asking low end of book value on this one SOLD

4. CD 210 hemingray in aqua asking $35.00 shipping included on this one couple chipped drips and thumbnail sized upper wire ridge chip at mold line.

5. CD 200 no. 2 transpotion thumb nail sized chip above upper wire ridge at mold line. Colour green, green aqua ? asking $54.00 could be a steal.

6. CD 143 standard royal purple s base chips on this fragile type asking SOLD

7. CD 143 whithy typical flaking to the ridges on this one asking $65.00 shipping included