Display Cabinet of Sales Stock -UPDATED MAY 21st! Sale

By Brian Riecker; posted May 21, 2014

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All prices are listed in a spreadsheet below!

They are all priced individually and most are now priced at low book.

These are some of the items I picked up from the auction in Wichita KS last spring, some of Sherman Barr's collection I bought and some of Richard Arnold's collection I bought. It's time to start selling. Been busy building cabinets and biking. Just got finished making the list of pieces and prices.

If you don't find the answer to your questions in the list below then you can email me for details and additional pictures. Make sure to check the list and click view original to see more details in the larger picture.

Thank you for looking. BRian

CD Primary Embossing Embossing Index Description Color Condition Price

FIRST SHELF - Left to Right

102 btc 80 Royal Purple Couple flea nick on base from mint! $32

102 diam 60 Bright Yellow Green Couple flea bites and two tiny base nicks. $6

102 diam 60 Green Mint! $22

102 diam 60 Very hard to find color! Off Clear Lemon Tint Mint! $24

102 diam 60 Weird mix of amber and green. Olive Green Amber Couple flea bites from mint! $22

102 star 40 1 on dome and S.F. blot out Bluish Aqua w/ Steamy Bubble Trails and Hazy Pinhole Three flea bites and two wire ridge nicks. $4

102 star 50 Light Blue Aqua w/ Milk Glob above Star Four scattered fleabites from mint! $2

102 star 50 Very tall example and very similar to the blobtop style! Light Bluu Aqua Factory Mint! Has some annealing seperations in the threads. $4

102 star 80 Vivid Green w/ Amber Blending Two pea sized dome dings and two base nicks. $16

106 star 10 Lime Green w/ Snow Couple flea bites from mint! $22

SECOND SHELF - Left to Right

113 hemi 130 Purple Couple flea bites, pinky nail base flake at mold line, faint bruise six drips wide. Four drip chips, one at bruise, one at pinky flake and two others scattered. $200

121 amtel 95 No Periods! Has black junk in wire ridge above Co. Rich Purple Couple flea bites from mint! $80

121 hemi 70 Strong Green Two wire ridge nicks and a couple drip nicks from mint! $20

126.3 brk 80 Embossing is weak and hard to be sure of the index. Light Aqua Couple flea bites and two base nicks from mint! $8

133 brk 70 Green Skirt fracture an inch long. Great color for a cheap price. Displays great! $40

145 hg 10 Jade Green Milk Rear bb ding and three flea nicks on base. $10

145 hg 50 Mold letter "G" on dome. Fizzy Lemonade Three flea dings and some base edge nibbling and minor flaking. $30

145 hg 100 Junky band circles up through dome and back around through HGCO. Bright Blue w/ Milky Snotty Band Flea nick on inner skirt from mint! $100

145 hg 100 Strong Deep Teal Couple flea bites from mint! $540

THIRD SHELF - Left to Right

145 hg 120 Mold letter "E". Rich Purple One flea nick on wire ridge from mint! $480

145 hg 140 Mold letter "N" (backwards) Brilliant Blue (some would call this Light Sapphire Blue) Wire ridge nibbling. $400

145 hg 140 Mold letter "N" (backwards) Light Purple One wire ridge flea nick on back from mint! $240

145 hg 140 Mold letter "M" Rich Teal Green Couple flea bites and one base flea nick from mint! $540

145 hg 140 Mold letter "M" Tealish Blue Aqua with Ambery Milky Veil above front embossing. Mint! $300

151 brk 10 "8" on dome Light Aqua w/ Amber Blending One base flea nick and a base pinky flake from mint! $22

152 brk 40 Deep Aqua w/ Amber Strings throughout Inner skirt nick from mint! $18

162 hg 70 Deep Honey Amber Thumb sized skirt flake in Patent, and bruise flaking seven drips wide in back. $40

FOURTH SHELF - Left to Right

162 hg 70 Milkiest HG I have ever seen! Milky Aqua Base damage. Thus, the low price. $150

162 hg 70 Red / Whiskey Amber Two Tone Couple flea bites, wire rige nick at mold line, fourteen drip chips. $200

162 hemi 160 Genuine factory applied coating. You can see tie wire rubbing and surface patina from years in the elements. Carnival Faint bruise six drips wide under -19. $285

162 hemi 230 Harder to find patent embossing. Brillant Cobalt Blue Few scattered flea bites, pinky flake on wire ridge, bruise chipping seven drips wide on back. $180

162 wgm 10 Purple Skirt and base chipping. Good outdoor display. $18

194/195 hemi 10 These have been selling for $300 lately! Vibrant Purple Flawless mint! $280

210 post 10 Yellow Green w/Amber Swirls Couple flea bites and inside base edge roughness from mint! $60

1145 pyrex 10 From the UK. Clear Fingernail flake inside one flange edge. $40