Unusual Porcelain

By Bob Scafe; posted March 22, 2014

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I purchased this pony at the Merritt Insulator Show last Sept. from Jack Harynuk. Jack claims to know little about porcelain, and all I knew was I thought it was interesting.

It is glazed overall, including all of the pinhole. The only unglazed portion is the base firing rest.

I have not seen another like it, but am hoping someone out there has, and can tell me a bit about this piece. The pinhole is the North American standard size. There is a mould line running from over the dome to base.

Does anyone recognize this insulator, and can you tell me who made it, please. I have photographed it with a BTC 102 pony for comparison purposes Thanks for looking.

A number of respondents state this is made by Pittsburgh, between 1908 and 1922 approx..