By Chris Cotnoir; posted December 15, 2013

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Here is another interesting item that I found in the collection I recently purchased. I can't figure out what it could be used for. It's fairly small, measuring just 1-3/8" tall and 2-3/16" in diameter. Shown here next to a CD 104 N.E.T.&T. Co. for size comparison. The top is embossed (arc) PATENTED/SEPT. 2, 18_4/(arc) AUG.4, 1885. [id=391724609] I can't quite make out the date in the middle, but I assume it's 1884. I tried searching those dates in the ICON Patent Reference section, but came up empty. It's light blue aqua, and very delicate . . . a small flake chipped off the base when I just "touched" it to another piece when picking it up the first time. [id=391724697] 8^( Anyone seen one before? Know whatizzit? Thanks for any help/speculation/fantasy. 8^D

ANSWER: I received a number of interesting responses and guesses . . . a battery table leg insulator was the most creative. The correct answer is: a Lafayette fruit jar lid without the metal strapping. Here is a link to a site showing the lid (scroll down to #12):


And here is an eBay offering for the whole jar that never went anywhere:


Thanks to all who responded.