The Perils of Walking the Lines in Texas

By Eric Wampner; posted October 4, 2013

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I thought I would post this pic I took a couple weeks ago while doin some insulator hunting between Dryden, and Sanderson, Texas. I took a detour thru here on my way to Big Bend National Park. This rattler is amongst the worst rattlers on the planet........the kind that do not rattle, and just coil up and strike. As I was walking this line, I did not see this rattler until I "heard" it coiling up next to me. As I heard this noise(which sounds like two pieces of sandpaper slowly rubbing together) left foot was on the very rail tie you see it sitting on in this pic. I was less than one foot from it as it was in the full striking position. At this point it was too late to move. I stayed in place for about 30 seconds, then counted to three and jerked my left leg away as fast as humanly possible. I believe if I had stepped one more step, without noticing or hearing it coiling up.......I would've definitely been bit. I believe it did not rattle because it was early morning about 10 am......and it was not yet fully "warmed" up yet. Not quite sure.