Snookie My Beloved Russian Blue Cat, R.I.P.

By Joe Maurath, Jr.; posted July 29, 2013

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I would have put this in with my other photos of Snookie (for example see [id=176356961] ) within the Fun Stuff categrory. But very, very sadly the news about my beloved cat of about 13 years passed away in my arms on Saturday July 27, 2013 due to natural causes.

Snookie is on the left of this 2011 photo. Jo-Jo (also a Russian Blue) is on the right, 10 years old as of 2013 and is doing well although he **really** misses his beloved companion...and the rest of our family.

Snookie had a short illness and after spending ALL of my time and all of my monetary resources at the best veternary clinics for possible survival, he pretty much quietly passed away in my arms when God took him.

Snookie loved sitting on my lap as I uploaded zillions of photos here on ICON....

He was a strong trooper and had every trait as any Russian Blue cat would ever inherently want to have owing to his endless loving to me.

He was buried in my side yard on July 28, 2013 with endless royal honor and dignity that he VERY well deserved...with forever memories...all within a beautiful little flower patch readily seen from my kitchen window where my desktop is.

Among his wishes are for me to remain emotionally strong and to continue to support the ICON Picture Poster with educational information and related images so that present and future insulator enthusiasts will learn and enjoy from my continued contributions.

He was returned to the Lord's Kingdom where he and I will someday meet again.

Joe Maurath, Jr.

PS...Snookie was a dedicated trooper who always loved being around my insulators, never, ever causing even a flea bite to anything in my open 1000+ insulator collection or anything else, including my vintage lightbulbs displayed all over the place matter how delicate. Honor and respect is thereby deserved. He would have been included as an ICON member a LONG time ago but was not a human. His passing would be included within those who have passed, but he wasn't a human, either. But...Snookie was a person whole-heartedly who had a soul which is sometimes difficult to ever find anywhere, in anybody.

