Two Aqua Glass Johnny Balls, CD 1138/1140 Sold 6 min's!

By Mike Guthrie; posted July 8, 2013

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6 min's!">

I would place these two pieces in the top 10-15% condition wise of the several dozen that have passed through my hands over the years.

The large one has very minor nibbles or flakes on five of the eight edges of the center sections. Two are undamaged and the last one has about 3/4" of shallow nibbles. There are four bruises/flakes on the ends of the saddle grooves.

They are 2 5/8" and 3 1/8" in length,


The smaller one is very clean with about five minor nibbles in total. One of the best I've seen.


Take the pair for 50.00 plus shipping.