Heck With The Deer, Where's My Ball

By Dan Gauron; posted June 4, 2013

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Shyla's life has always been about balls. She's never asked for much more than someone to show her a little attention, be a part of the family, let her ride along in the truck, or join in a hike up in the mountains, or along an old rail-line. What she's given our family in return is immeasurable. Always a warm welcome, never ending desire to please, great companion, soft pillow to rest your head on while watching TV, and never tires of hearing me talk insulators:-). Hard to believe she's going on 12 years old, when it seems like yesterday she wasn't much more than a pup. We found out not long ago that she has Cancer. We struggled with what to do for quite some time before deciding to let her live out her remaining time without pursuing all the medical treatment options out there today. Seems her age, coupled with a heart murmur makes her chances of recovery from anesthesia and surgery less than we are willing to take the chance on. She doesn't let on, and still finds retrieving balls irresistible, but we can see that the cancer is taking it's toll on her. Many of you know her through me, and know how dear a friend she is, and I thought you might want to know about this.