An Education in Worthless Insulators

By Mike Herron; posted February 7, 2013

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I decided to post a picture regarding common insulators. These are the insulators you find EVERYWHERE. I'm growing tired of battling with flea marketeers, antique shop owners, classified ad sellers and others when I try to buy collections offered for sale. This post is an education in extremely common insulators. Most of the folks selling these type of insulators tend to believe that they are worth a substantial amount of money just because they are "old" or "antique". However, in most situations, that simply is NOT the case. I'm very tired of arguing with folks when I try to educate them on the true value of their "prized" insulators!!

I run across insulators for sale all the time and most of what I find is represented in this ONE photograph. I'm sorry to tell you, but these are all WORTHLESS insulators. Yes, they are antique, pretty, etc. but they are not worth anything. No value whatsoever to a collector. I've literally given away THOUSANDS of these insulators in my years of collecting. Of course, these are the insulators that most new collectors first encounter when getting interested in the hobby, but they all quickly learn what is worth keeping and what is not. I will say, I still have these particular insulators simply because I personally found them in the wild. I'm not keeping them for actual value, just for sentimental value only.

There are very few exceptions to the rule. These styles and color combinations are common. BUT, if you have an odd color or unusual manufacturer in one of these styles, you may have something worth collecting. Remember, what you see in the picture itself is worthless. There are ALWAYS many different variations to consider!!

Really, these insulators are usually the first ones a new collector acquires. Yes, they are pretty and yes, they are old or "antique". But they are NOT worth anything. Sorry Mr. Antique shop dealer!!

Please feel free to shoot this link to anybody who tries to convince you otherwise!!

From L to R starting on the top shelf:

1. Hemingray No. 40 (CD 152) in Aqua

2. Whitall Tatum No. 1 (CD 154) in Light Aqua

3. Hemingray - 42 (CD 154) in Aqua (may also come in common Hemingray Blue)

4. AM TEL & TEL CO. (CD 121) in Aqua

bottom shelf

5. "B" (CD 145) in Dark Aqua

6. "B" (CD 145) in Light Aqua

7. Hemingray - 45 (CD 155) in Clear

8. Hemingray - 42 (CD 154) in Clear