SDP Brookfields looking for a SDP Brookfield 115

By John Moon; posted July 1, 2012

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Some of my SDP Brookfield pieces followed me to the National in search of a 115 Brookfield with drips. Unfortunately we did not succeed in finding one. I did however find a few other pieces from the many show tables. A no name No. 20 SDP 133, a Brookfield embossed 133 with the No. 20 blotted out previously unlisted, a green slug embossed 101 (thanks Chris), and a junky aqua 101 (thanks Gene). It was a wonderful show and I only got to talk with a fraction of the people I wanted too.

Thanks Brian Riecker for letting me set up shop in one of your amazing cases. It was great to see my insulators in one of these for the first time. I am definitely going to be in the market for one as soon as I can.