CA Glass On Barrel Shadow Analysis

By Lee Brewer; posted February 9, 2012

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Questions were raised about the shadows on the original picture. I thought they looked suspect also so decided to do an analysis.

Start with point 1: - Parallel orange lines drawn through sun reflection points on both ears and extended downwards showing reflection points on crown are centered within the box - hence assumption of correct sun angle in the pic. - Orange box changed yellow and moved to show shadow from Helmets ear/skirt line up with shadow on barrel. Note shadow of ear on side of crown between orange and yellow box show sun is slightly behind ear - will cause a bit of rotational distortion when taking a 3D object and recording it on 2d picture.

Points 2-5 (and unnumbered keg insulator oops!): Sun hitting insulators at this same angle produce no shadows.

Point 6: Slight discrepancy as pony insulator appears to be missing a shadow - could be due to 3d to 2d analysis?

Pont 7: APPARENT discrepancy with straw shadow. However, look at green pointer hand and see a small piece of wood inserted along barrel rim therefore decreasing the diameter at this point. Note the red hand show the tip of the shadow of the piece of straw appearing on the elevated surface. Note the yellow box shows the straw lines up with the rest of the insulators shadows/lack thereof.

Point 9: Blue hand pointing to shadow of rightmost barrel - not rounded shape of barrels shadow.

Point 10: Blue hands and triangular shaped shadow of top barrel indicate the shadow of the barrel was possibly hidden in an overhang of a roof etc.

Point 11 Discrepancies: A. The shadow of the rightmost barrel does not seem to line up with the insulators - however, we cannot see what the top of the barrel - casting the shadow look like - it is possible that if the yellow lines are extended to this barrel and its shadow that there was something (like the lid being half off) casting this shadow. Unable to tell. However, this barrel would be the added component to the picture and there is no reason for this.

B. The number 6 pony insulator. Again - this problem could be due to the difficulties in analyzing 3D positioning in a 2D plane. However, if there is an insulator pasted in - this would be the only one.

View original to see the fine details.