Avocado tree in a jar (MONSTER SEED!)

By Scott Clark; posted February 3, 2012

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This little project started because of one avocado I ate which had the LARGEST avocado seed I've ever seen. It's the size of a large apricot so I decided to try and grow it.

It's not as difficult as I thought to grow an avocado tree. It just takes PATIENCE because it can take weeks or even months for the roots and sprout to emerge from the seed (I was so sure this wasn't going to work that after three weeks of waiting I threw the seed away only to be retrieved from the trash by my gal who put it back into the jar, toothpicks and all).

Here's the method I used: 1) Point the seed pointy end up. 2) Embed three strong toothpicks around the sides of the seed for support (just enough to hold it's weight) at about the halfway point. 3) Set the seed onto the rim of a jar. 4) Fill with water (preferably spring water) so seed is about 1/4-1/3 submerged . 5) Wait and wait and WAIT and after a few weeks it will begin to 'root' then after more waiting the seed will begin to develop a 'crack' for the sprout to surface.. Once again, this can take MANY WEEKS!

Have fun.. Off the top of my head I have no idea what climate conditions avocado trees like but this tree seems to be happy here on the Left Coast. I anticipate it will be happier as Spring approaches. Then the hard part.. WHERE TO PLANT IT. LOL!

By the way, Ed I loved your "Egg-Zactly" post!