CD 259 Roman Helmet or CD 260

By Roger Poole; posted December 4, 2011

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This insulator is exactly 4 1/2 inches high and 3 1/4 inches across the base. Of the two roman helmet shown in the PG the CD 260 is the only insulator shown with the 4 1/2 inch hiegth measure meament. Is this a CD 259 0r CD 260. My question has probally been asked a number of times in the past here in the questions asked file. However, when I did a search I couldn't find any answer. Therefore I request help and I will be sure to add the answer to this page when I find out as reference for any othet future collectors that run across the same puzzling mystery. Thanks for you help. What I do know is that the CD 260 has an inner skirt. I don't know if they come without an inner skirt as well. I also know this isn't a CD 158 Viking Helmet. My guess is this is a squat version. I think I heard of those existing or maybe I imagined they exist. CD 259 with is supposed to be 4 5/8 high.

I've recieved a stack of emails about this insulator. All parties agree that the insulator in question is in fact a CD 259. The determining factor being this insulator doesn't have an inner skirt as ALL CD 260's do. As far as the hiegth goes that is not a determining factor. The PG says a CD 259 should be 4 5/8 inches but some may be shorter where as others may be taller. The EIN of my insulator is a 015 being it is the only EIN listed without the threads on the inside of the outer skirt. The only issue remaining now is the color of this insulator. It is aqua / blue aqua and only a dark green aqua is listed under the 015 EIN. Guess we have here is a canidate for a new color listing in a future price guide.

Note: my pic didn't actually do the color justice. Add a little blue and subtract a little green and you'll pretty much be able to see the true color in your minds eye.