P & S Fuse Cut-Outs

By Bob Scafe; posted November 12, 2011

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This is my collection of P & S Fuse Cut-Outs. (Pass & Seymour) Not bad for someone in Canada, where P & S cut-outs are never seen in use. We have lots of CGE and GE marked units in use, as well as Westinghouse cut-outs, but P & S are never seen out here in western Canada.

The white unit top left is marked with a vertical 1899 patent date, but note the standardized style with bolt holes for mounting. The centre bottom unit, I believe predates these other styles, and was mounted by way of a metal collar. I believe the collar mounted unit to be one of the earliest P & S units produced.

I get a chuckle out of the style number 139 1/2 Why the 1/2 ? Perhaps it was only a small change from style 139.