U-268 Dry Process

By Jack Foote; posted February 27, 2011

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Morning Fellow Mud-Hounds

Picked up a great dry-processed U-268 yesterday. Once home found that I had another on my Wall O' Mud. Comparing them. . . both are dry process with really neat glazes. . .that I could not attribute to a manufacturer. So,. . .sent a pic to Elton Gish for some assistance. Here is his reply:

''The profile matches exactly with U-268, so I'd go with that. As for manufacturer, that's more difficult. U-268 is a Triangle M style, so maybe they made it in dry process. The glaze looks more like what Illinois would make, but usually glazes came out different on dry and wet pieces made by the same company due to different firing temps. There are a number of dry process insulators that don't seem to fit known manufacturers. There is written evidence that two previously unknown companies made dry process pin-types, but no specimens have yet been attributed to them. I will add your U-268 dry process to the VG listing.


Pretty cool! Bought something that I already had. . .but both seem to be from the same maker. . .that remains somewhat of a question. . .two finds in one day! One during my travels. . .and another right here in my own dog house!

mud dog ^..^