What is this and how did it work?

By Rose Page; posted October 25, 2010

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This and several other items were found on an abandoned/ tore out railroad track line. This item appears to be made of ceramic and or porcelain with metal attachments. Appears to have wiring outlets on both sides and possibly attached to something else. Does have some rubber type substance on it.. Found 3 in one location and it different conditions. Would appreciate some insight on this.. This RR track is located in Preble Co. Ohio and judging by the other items found served as telegraph, telephone and later electric carriers, along the rail line. ( tracks were torn out appx 25 yrs ago and was out of service several years prior)

( answer)Hello Rose, regarding your help question you posted to ICON I can definitely give you some input on your large porcelain insulator. It is a fuse cutout but the fuse is missing and is probably why it was discarded. There should be a polymer type material drop down door on the front of this fuse. A manufacturer name such as GE( General electric) or Westinghouse with a listed amperage rating and possibly a catalog number should be visible on the exterior of this door but there were many other manufacturers and these were just two of the more prevalent ones.

The metal square J shaped hanger is what it was hung over a crossarm on and most of these serviced an individual transformer. Yours is a little different than most because it has additional porcelain insulation so most likely was used on a higher voltage transformer.

When there was a fault on the circuit the fuse would burn through and then the door would drop down and remain open until it was either refused or replaced. The line patrolman or troubleman looking for the source of the outage could easily see the blown fuse that way. When the fuse blew it protected the transformer from a voltage overload. Transformers are quite expensive and fuses are cheap. Hope that helps you with your question. Good collecting, Mid Norris