Hummingbird at our feeder

By Bill Meier; posted August 31, 2010

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Although we are out in the woods, and there are no flowers around per say, we have seen a couple hummingbirds now and then. We went down to the local hardware store and got this feeder. While sort of non-standard looking, it is recommended as the best kind. Easy to clean (important). No yellow ... did you know that those yellow plastic flowers on them attract bees? That's what it says about bees and feeders! Oh, the top is all red. The sun and the camera exposure made it look yellow. It is not!

Within two hours of putting it up, to our surprise, we had that pair of hummingbirds come by and give it a try! They made multiple trips throughout the whole afternoon.

Sorry about the pictures... they where taken though the window, and the camera has a hard time focusing. I put it on "infinity" focus so it wouldn't focus on the glass, but perhaps that setting made it blurry at this distance. I'm about 6 feet away from the feeder. It's out on our deck which is about 10' off the ground. The birds don't seem to care!

They do actually use the perches. One of them hopped around and drank from 5 of the 6 "feeding" stations (i.e. holes ;-) in the tray.