Paria Canyon - Buckskin - Another View

By Scott Morrell; posted June 27, 2010

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Here is another view of the Buckskin Gulch. Imagine hiking this for 16 miles! Fortunately for us, most of the "tough" hikers choose to hike the full length of Buckskin Gulch, join the Paria River at the confluence, then trek on down to Lee's Ferry, a trip some 42 miles in length. Some of these hikers slogged by our pleasant shady camp, with their eyes to the ground and marching as if in a stupor. They did not even notice us watching them from 20 feet away. We encountered one party that had intended to take a left turn at the Buckskin/Paria confluence, but they were so tired and stupefied from their grueling hike, they walked right past it! We broke the news to them, only after they had hiked three miles out of their way. Many people hike the entire length of this canyon in 2 or 3 days with full packs. If I've learned anything in my old age, I've learned to find one good spot, hunker down, and enjoy what's around me. That is how we did this trip, and we were well rewarded!