"Increaser" Insulator For Salt Air- Reduced

By Mike Parker; posted June 19, 2010

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FOR SALE..Here is an "Increaser'" insulator, which is used when mounting fuse cutouts or lightning arrestors on a crossarm here in 'salt air country". It will increase the size of the insulator porcelain on these devices giving them a rating higher than normal by simply adding more porcelain. They work but linemen tell me that once they are salt contaminated they tend to flash over anyway and burn the wooden crossarms they are mounted on.

Price is $8 with hardware. $5 just for the insulator alone with no mounting hardware. Glaze is brown but I can get blue-gray ones occasionally.

Please e-mail your zip code if you are interested in a lowest cost USPS parcel post shipping estimate.

Thanks, Mike Parker, Mill Stack Poweryard, P.O. Box 937, Garibaldi, OR. 97118-0937 I am an ICON Contributor.