"Lazy [Diamond] S" marking on a piece similar to a U-296

By Zac Mirecki; posted October 29, 2008

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This signal is crude and is probably scarce. It has a true raised embossing and was made by dry process. In looking through the notes in Tod's "Guide Book," the only piece marked by this "lazy S" (according to Tod) was the U-296 and some U-388's. This piece does not have a flat top as depicted by the U-296 diagram and mine looks closer to a U-294A. Tod only speculates that these were made by Thomas and were used in the Portland, OR area. Does anyone else have a more detailed history behind this piece?

Thanks to Lee Southern who told me that this piece is actually Canadian and was made by Smith & Stone Check out the link:

[id=87084082] Thanks again Lee!