CD 133 No Name - Sold Canadian - MLOD - nice color (colour)

By Lee Brewer; posted July 26, 2007

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CD 133 No Name - MLOD - [010]? This little gem has me puzzled. It has a fishscale flake opff of the base - maybe half inch long and very shallow. it does not show since the inner surface of the area is slanted upwards. the colors listed in the book only list a light green. This also has some yellow to it. I have a CREB 133 (Backwards "N") in light green and they do not compare to one another. This definitely has more yellow in it than just a plain, flat, light green color. I would not call it yellow-green, but it is not the same as the CREb either. A few bubbles here and there. A really nice addition to a CD 133 line-up. For the color, lets say 45.00 + Shipping.