Metal shields or guards for # 42 insulators

By Bob Scafe; posted August 27, 2006

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A shot of 2 insulator protectors that I received from Lena Braman, in Drumheller, Alberta... Gary Reid of Chute Lake near Penticton was asking about these. They are made of fairly heavy guage metal, and I am sure they would deflect a .22 cal. bullet unless fired at point blank range. Certainly adequate for rocks thrown by small boys. The guards are designed to protect the thinner sections of the insulator skirt, while the denser glass in the dome is left unprotected. Rumor has it that there are some of these still out on the lines in south-eastern Alberta, but I have yet to find one. Be sure to check these out when at the Merritt Insulator Show, Sept. 9-10, 2006