Unusual Vaseline glass - PAT OCT 9 1900 1 of 2.

By Dave Wiecek; posted June 12, 2005

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I came across this in a box of insulators. It is made of glass, measures 3 inches long, has threads near the bottom and has a ground edge. On the top is embossed in a circle PAT OCT 9, 1900 and is a vivid yellow Vaseline glass. Anyone know what this could have been a piece to? I am guessing one of those kitchen water dispensers.

Special thanks to Bob Stahr - Hemingray Historian/ Collector - who did some additional research and found this date linked to US Design Patent 33,329. It appears to be some kind of a tool sharpener. More information can be found at http://patft.uspto.gov/netahtml/srchnum.htm