Patents (Letters Patents and Design Patents) and Trademarks can be ordered from the U. S. Patent Office for $3 each postpaid. All you need is the patent number or trademark number. Do not include other information such as patent date, patentee name, etc. For best results, type your request because they are not responsible for reading your handwriting correctly. You can order any number of patents from one to dozens -- the price is the same. It is important that you check the patent numbers to make sure there are no errors and check your math to make sure that your payment fee is correct for the total number of patents ordered. If you get it wrong, the government will keep your money, your order will not be filled, and you will have to reorder enclosing the full amount again. This has happened to me 3-4 times so I talk from experience. Even though you will be sent an assigned order number, you cannot get them to respond to inquiries about your specific order to correct an error made by either you or the Patent Office. If you order Design Patents, do not include with orders for Letters Patents or trademarks and boldly mark the design patent numbers as "Design Patent". The typical delivery time is 4-6 weeks.
To order copies of Letters Patents, Design Patents, and Trademarks, send your order and a personal check to:
Patent & Trademark Copy Sales
Box 9 PTCS
Washington, D.C. 20231
Copies of over 1100 patents relating to insulators are available from the Insulator Research Service, run by Elton Gish, for only $1 each. Ordering information is on the Insulator Research Service page.
Return to the Insulator
Research Service page
Please send your questions and comments to Elton Gish at
Written Monday, October 13, 1997