Mike Guthrie 13909 NW 43rd AVE Vancouver, WA 98685-1113 USA 360-635-7323
After reaching a peak of over 9,500 different insulators about 1990 (the largest collection ever documented), I steadily downsized over the years in preparation for retirement. I finally made it in March of 2006 after 33 plus years of service with the Fresno Police Department. After retirement, I moved to Southwest Washington state where I have immensely enjoyed the change of environment from Central California. I've participated in several insulator events in the region and found collectors in the Pacific Northwest to be just as awesome as those in other regions. Presently, I occupy my time with things other than collection such as hiking, biking, kayaking, gardening, reading, volunteer work, etc. Retirement is the best job I ever had, I strongly recommend it! While my collection has diminished in size (it is now between 60-70 pieces!) I will always treasure the memories and the friends accumulated over 40 years of collecting these marvelous crown jewels.
I am willing to show my collection to others.
I am willing to mentor others.
I am interested in buying collections.