Dave Wiecek 63 Reinman Road Warren, NJ 07059-5736 USA 908-672-0909
Early threaded North American glass. Specializing in "Bubblin' Coffee & Milk insulators" - those with bubbles, swirls, milk and junk in them. Mini specialities include:
CD 133 BROOKFIELD [Index 230] W. BROOKFIELD(with a large shop number [1-8]) 55 FULTON ST. / N.Y. CAUVET'S PAT JULY 25, 1865 patent date only on the back.
CD 126 BROOKFIELD, especially those with the 1/2" high shop numbers and the W. BROOKFIELD 55 FULTON ST. address or the 45 CLIFF ST. ones with the arc embossing.
CD 145 purple BROOKFIELD.
Insulators with only the JULY 25, 1865 patent date on them. These include the CD 133.2 B.F.G. CO, P&W & PAISLEY and the CD 127 WU PATTERN.
B.G.M. Co.
Mint condition light to medium purple W.G.M Co.
Nice olive green CD 102, 106, 112, 113, 133, 145, 160, 162 & 164 Star insulators.
CD 143 ins ulators embossed G.N.W. only.
CD 145 insulators embossed G.N.W. TEL CO with intersting milky or olive amber swirls in them.
Nicely mineralized insulators from being buried.
I am willing to show my collection to others.
I am willing to mentor others.
I am interested in buying collections.
For more information about me visit my web site