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CD 134 Pettingell Andrews photos and history

Compiled by Joe Maurath, Jr.

6 August 2004

Joe Maurath, Jr. comments:

Here are some CD 134 Pettingell Andrews photos and history

CD 134 Pettingell Andrews Bubble Packed!
CD 134 Pettingell Andrews Bubble Packed!
This Pettingell Andrews Co. insulator, like its unmarked cousin shown within this album is otherwise identical! This piece is incredibly jam-packed with champagne bubbles from top to bottom and from the inside-out. Joe Maurath, Jr. acquired this gem from Doug MacGillvary around 1975 for $125.00 at one of the local Yankee Polecat Insulator Club shows. Joe clearly recalls Doug stating that this insulator was found not too long before in a small town in Maine. It was on a pole in the center of town without any wires on it. This CD 134 has all of the characteristics of a "Pennycuick". The Pettingell Andrews Company existed in Boston in the later 1800s through the 1920s and were a distributor of electrical supplies. It is apparent the company had insulators made on special order with their name on them. Other Pettingell Andrews insulators are known and all are quite rare. In addition, they appear to have been made in "Pennycuick" molds. These are of aqua and blue shades.

Bubbly CD 134 Pettingell Andrews and Unembossed
Bubbly CD 134 Pettingell Andrews and Unembossed
Here are a couple additional views of the above two super-bubbly insulators which were individually photographed are and described within this album. Also note that these are also chock-filled with "seed" bubbles, swirls and some floating crud! If there were any more bubbles in these insulators I'd swear they would float in water!

CD 134 C.E.L. Co. malformed in jade milk glass
CD 134 C.E.L. Co. malformed in jade milk glass
It is not known what C.E.L. Co. stands for. However it is believed to have either been an electrical supply house or utility company. This unusual example was located in Maine some years ago.

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