Questions and Feedback
This site is mainly about the hobby of collecting antique glass and porcelain
insulators and related items; and it is much less likely I will be able to
answer questions outside of that category.
I make every attempt to personally answer your questions and comments. Please
be aware however, that I may not be able to answer every message. Also, I am not
versed in all the material on this web site, and may not be qualified to answer
your question. Before you ask a question, please be sure you have attempted to
find the answer first on the web site by clicking on the button below to go to the search page.
- How much is my insulator worth?
- There are many thousands of variations of insulators, ranging from
extremely common to one of a kind. Please do not ask the above question to
me! Consult the Frequently Asked Questions and/or Insulator
Profiles for some information on pricing insulators. If you do contact
me, please be very specific, and include the following for each insulator:
- approximate width and height
- all embossing (writing) on the insulator
- the color
- a photo is often helpful but still provide the above information
- If you don't provide this much information, I will not be able to attempt
to give you an answer. Please understand that if you can not provide
this basic information, I will just have to ask you for it, and I really
don't have the time to ask for this information, when I have just requested
that you provide me with it when you first contact me! Thanks for
- What is a "something"?
- If you have a question about a term or phrase, please consult the Glossary
of Insulator Terms.
- Questions about ICON:
- There is a full web subsection dealing with
questions about ICON. Please read that section before sending email.
- Mason Jars, Fruit Jars, Bottles:
- Although this site has a small page about fruit jars and bottles, they are
not my specialty. If you have a question about them, please visit the Antique
Bottle Collectors Haven.
- Commercial and Industrial Usage:
- This site is about the hobby of collecting antique glass and porcelain
insulators. We do not sell or manufacture insulators for suppliers and can
not quote prices for various commercial orders.
Please reread the categories above to see if your question is covered. If you
have not found an answer to your question, and it is about an area I can
address, or you have a comment about the site, please send me email.
Thank you, and "Happy Collecting!"
Bill Meier
You can send your questions and comments to
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the Insulators Home Page
Last updated
Thursday, May 26, 2016