Jefferson State
Insulator Club

Jefferson State Insulator Club - Meeting Report - December 11, 1999
Taken by VP Howard Banks

Here are the minutes for the December 11, 1999 meeting of the Jefferson State Insulator Club held at the Oregon State Forestry Office in Central Point.

Attendance: Allen Dobney, Gary Michener, Dale Guidrey, John Curran, Nathan Lamkey, Mid Norris, Ken Klein, Kathy Klein, Scott Morrell, Bill Ostrander, Paul Bryan, Howard Banks & David Banks.

Old Business:
Treasurer's Report (Summarized)

Individual Memberships 13 $130
Family Memberships 4 60
Seed Money (donations) 50
Gift Memberships 2 20
Donated Insulators:

Howard Banks 1 115.50
Gary Michener 1 162.61
Bill Ostrander 1 25.00
Total Income: $563.11

Total Debits: 0

Total Assets $563.11

Club Patches: Motion made and passed unanimously to purchase 100 (minimum order) club patches to be provided to current and new members.

Winter Show: To be held at the home of Gary Michener in Rogue River from 9:00 to 3:00 on Saturday, January 15, 2000.

News letter: A discussion was held on the possible name of the club's news letter. The name Jefferson Jewel was suggested.

Banking: The club has obtain a free savings account at Rogue Federal Credit from which to handle club business.

New Business:
Regional Show: Members discussed the possibility of hosting a Western Regional Insulator Show for the National Insulator Association in the year 2001 or beyond. Several club members volunteered to look a show facilities in their communities and report back.

Club Hunts: Members discussed club insulator hunts for this winter - spring - or - summer. A hunt along a mountianous stretch of the Rogue River Electric Company line (bearing Fred M Locke porcelain insulators) is being considered for February. Ken Klein suggested having a hunt in the Dunsmuir area later in the spring.

Donation to ICON: Members voted to donate $20 to ICON, the internet site which hosts the JSIC site.

Future Discussion: Open for future discussion: having a club entry at a Regional or National Insulator Show.

Program: President Bill Ostrander presented a program on tracing the routes of telephone, telegraph and power lines using Global Positioning Satellite technology.

Minutes submitted by Howard Banks, JSIC Vice-President.

End of report

Winter Mini-show a Success!

The winter mini-show sponsored by member Gary Michener of Rogue River, Oregon was a success. Although only about 4 tables were set up for sales and trades, quite a few insulators changed hands. Ken Klein brought some porcelain and powerline parts to peruse.

New member Robert Gavora of Talent looks at some of the power insulators brought by Ken Klein.

Bill Ostrander looks at a Canadian signals while Gary Michener, Mark Shamaus and John Beckmyeir look at the display in the windows.

Scott Morrell, Dale Guidry and Robert Gavora.

Photos by Howard Banks

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