![]() | Jefferson State
President: Bill Ostrander
Vice President: Howard Banks
Treasurer/Membership Secretary: Scott Morrell
Annual Dues:
$10 (individual)
$15 (family)
$5 (junior - 16 or under)
Members shall receive the quarterly newsletter, a club membership
certificate and card. Members are welcome to participate in scheduled
insulator hunts, swaps, and meetings.
A quarterly newsletter will be produced by Bill Ostrander. Newsletter
contributions from club members and others are welcome. Newsletter
name to be determined. Suggestions to date:
Jefferson State Signal
Jefferson State Telegraph
A club patch or decal was discussed at our meeting. Cost of producing
a patch is prohibitive at this time. More research shall be done
regarding a club decal.
The Jefferson State Insulator Club Webpage shall be maintained by Bill
Webpage address is: http://www.insulators.com/clubs/jsic
Club email contact: jsic@insulators.com (Scott Morrell)
JSIC will have regular meetings on the first Saturday of every other
month (unless otherwise noted). See http://www.insulators.com/clubs/jsic for
schedule. Time and place will also be announced in the JSIC
Note: The next meeting will be held Dec 11th, at the home of Bill
JSIC will have two insulator swaps per year. The next two swaps are
scheduled as follows:
January 15, 2000 - At the home of Gary Michener
July 15, 2000 - At the home of Howard Banks
(For more directions & more info, contact jsic@insulators.com
..Directions and further info will also appear in future newsletters)
A total of $115 was collected at the Oct 2 meeting. This included $10
each from 7 charter members, and additional contributions to "jump
start" the JSIC treasury. In addition to dues and cash contributions,
Gary Michener generously donated a sage Hemingray No.19 CD162[070] SDP
to be sold, with proceeds going to the JSIC treasury. Thank you Gary!
Scott Morrell is presently investigating which bank will offer the
best terms to open a JSIC account. There is concern that monthly
service charges will eat into the club's modest reserve. As soon as an
account is established, members will be informed. Dues & donations are
safely stored for the time being in an antique fruit jar buried under
the old oak tree, 75 paces north of the privy.
End of report