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2. LOGO: The Club's logo shall be a Cobalt Blue CD 123 Insulator, mounted on a side pin, attached to a conifer tree. A wire is attached to the insulator. The logo is set in a circular background of twilite and stars.
3. ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND TERMS: There will be three officers for the club: President, Vice-President and Treasurer. Terms for each position will be two years. Elections will be held at the club's formal meeting in May during odd numbered years.
4. QUALIFICATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CLUB OFFICERS: PRESIDENT: This person is responsible for the overall well being and direction of the club. He/she must provide the general leadership. During club meetings the President is charged with the responsibility of maintaining order, presenting club business, etc. The President together with the Treasurer will make decisions about ordinary expenditures. Extraordinary expenses (those in excess of $50), are to be brought as an agenda item to club meetings if possible. If this is not possible, then the three club officers will jointly make such a decision. The President must maintain regular communication with the other officers and work to resolve any issues between the officers and/or members of the club. The President must make every attempt to participate in all club activities, and should become immediately contacted and involved in the event that any upcoming activities are in jeopardy. The President of the club is also the editor of the club's quarterly newsletter and responsible for its timely publication. The President is also the club's "ambassador-at-large." He/she is responsible for maintaining a relationship with the National Insulator Association (NIA), and with the Presidents of other local insulator clubs throughout the nation. The President of the JSIC must be a member in good standing of the NIA. The President and/or club officers are encouraged to make an effort to attend the Western Regional Insulator Show on behalf of the JSIC.
VICE-PRESIDENT: This person is responsible for assuming the duties of the President at club activities in the event that the President cannot attend. The Vice-President must take notes at the official club meetings, for inclusion in the quarterly newsletter immediately following the meeting. These notes typically include attendance, topics of discussion, club issues and other business items. The Vice-President must work closely with the President in coordinating all club activities. The Vice-President should have an appreciation for history and the ability to categorize, organize, maintain and offer library materials to the membership and others as appropriate. He/she's responsibilities include creating and maintaining photo albums, maintaining and cataloging books and other published or written materials, including maps and newsletters of the club. The Vice-President must maintain a binder of all newsletters of the JSIC and a binder for newsletters received from other clubs and the NIA.
TREASURER: This person must have the ability to balance a check book and maintain detailed records. The Treasurer is charged with the responsibility of maintaining the membership list, including the assignment of JSIC membership numbers. The Treasurer must keep accurate records with regard to club dues and expenditures. He/she must work closely with the President with regard to the approval of ordinary expenditures. A balance sheet is to be prepared for every club newsletter and meeting. The Treasurer is to open and maintain an account on behalf of the Jefferson State Insulator Club. He/she is therefore authorized to make deposits and write checks for authorized club expenses. The club's officers are to be signatories on the account.
5. PUBLICATION OF CLUB NEWSLETTER: The official newsletter of the Jefferson State Insulator Club will be the "?". The newsletter will be published quarterly on the first day of September, December, March and June of each year. The club President is the editor of the newsletter and responsible for its timely publication.
6. INSULATOR HUNTS: With the club officers acting as coordinators, every effort will be made to organize at least one insulator hunt each year. The hunt will take place in either the Spring or in the Fall. A club member or officer who enjoys history and research, and inspiring others to participate in insulator hunts, may volunteer to lead the hunt. Thorough research will be conducted and the location will be scouted in order to determine whether or not it is appropriate for a club expedition. Hunts will be scheduled so as not to conflict with regional show dates, holidays, etc.
7. INSULATOR SHOWS: With the club officers acting as coordinators, every effort will be made to organize an insulator show each year. The JSIC's show will be scheduled so as not to conflict with other regional show dates, holidays, etc. The officers of the JSIC are encouraged to submit a bid to the National Insulator Association to host the Western Regional show. A club member and/or officer may volunteer to host the show.
8. CLUB MEETINGS: There is no set schedule for club meetings. However, when the club meets it will make an effort to meet on or about the first Saturday of the months of February, May, August and November. The purpose of club meetings will be to discuss whatever business issues are before the club, hold elections (at the May meeting in odd numbered years), trade, buy and sell insulators, promote hobby education, and learn about other club member's collections.
9. CLUB MEMBERSHIP: All persons who are in any way interested in insulators shall be eligible to apply for membership. Annual dues are $10 per person, $5 for applicants under the age of 16. The club's fiscal year begins on June 1st. A new membership received within three months of the fiscal year's end (between March 1st and June 1st), will be good for the entire forthcoming year. Each member in good standing is entitled to one vote during club elections. The club's officers may suspend or revoke a membership for just cause.
10. BY-LAW AMENDMENTS: In order to amend the club's bylaws the following steps must be taken: (1) Publication of the proposed amendment in the club's newsletter inviting comment from all members; (2) Comments on the proposed amendment to be submitted to the club President; (3) Discussion and vote at the club's next meeting.