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Four members of the Jefferson State Insulator Club endured the 1000-mile round-trip for another fun get-together at the Rohde Ranch in April, 2002. The weather behaved perfectly, and as usual, more insulators came back than were taken down.

Nathan looks over a sales table.
Carl Scott and Gary Michener
Dwayne Anthony
Standing in line for lunch.
Food for a hungry collector!
The group.
Carl and Dave.
Colin Jung and Bob McLaughlin.
Dwayne's stuff.
Also Dwayne's stuff.
Gary Michener
Paul Greaves.
Unusual color combination,
just recovered by Mike Spadafora.
Dwayne showed off this
great California, with
a perfect ghost embossing.
Host Bill Rodhe and Lou Hall.
Stuffing every last space
with insulators
for the trip home.

The "Oregon Four Pack"...Bill Ostrander, Gary Michener, Carl Scott, Nathan Lamkey.

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