Mid Norris sponsored a BBQ at his Insulator Ranch in Chiloquin again this fall. Many club members attended. The insulator swapping was fast and furious as every person brought insulators, and Howard Banks had just purchased a collection so he had lots of new stock. After the first round of trading calmed down, Ken Klein cooked up hamburgers and hot dogs. During lunch, we had the club meeting. Scott Morrell updated everyone on the status of the upcoming Canyonville show. We still need to entice more insulator dealers. 7-Feathers also informed us that we would not be able to get into the show floor until 3 pm now, so we are updating the club webpages and notifying all the dealers and early buyers. Scott handed out show flyers and window posters. We still need to solicit some good raffle prizes. Howard Banks donated several good insulators for raffle and door prizes! After that, we held club elections. The new President is Mindy Michener, the Vice President is Bill Ostrander, and the Treasurer is Scott Morrell. Nathan Lamkey will remain as the membership director. After the meeting, there was another flurry of insulator trading before boxes finally started getting packed up. Thanks again Mid for a wonderful time!

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Gary and Mindy Michener getting a price from Howard Banks.
Ken Klein shows off some recent hunt finds.
Gary looking at a new insulator.
Scott Morrell hands out flyers for the club show.
Show host Mid Norris helps Ken do some repair to his recent find.
Here starts the second round of insulator trading!

New JSIC President, Mindy Michener.

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