Here are the displays in the order they were presented, and the awards they won.
Click on any image to see a larger version in a new web browser window.
Bill Ostrander, "McLaughlin Insulators" |
Howard Banks, "An Aid to the Identification of EC&M's" |
Linda Banks, "Lightning Strikes" |
Bill Ostrander, "Star Insulators". |
Mindy Michener, "Pony Village" |
Carl Scott, "My Favorites". |
Carl Scott, "Transpositions" |
Carl Scott, "Californias" |
Dave Scafani, Local Bottles |
Dave Scafani, Local Milk Bottles |
Dan Howard, "Colorful and Rare Radio Strains"
Here's Dan Howard placing the ribbon on his display. |
Dave Phillips of the Medford Morse Telegraph club sends a telegram across the room. |
This Section Last Updated June 9, 2002