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Golden State Insulator Club


The Golden State Insulator Club draws its members from all over California. It has over 150 members, and dues are $10.00 for adults and families, $5.00 for individuals under 16 years of age. Lifetime membership is a onetime cost of two hundred dollars per couple or one hundred fifty dollars for a single individual. Two or three club meetings are held each year in conjunction with regularly scheduled Golden State Insulator Club events each year and four newsletters are sent out to keep members informed about past, present and future club activities. Golden State Insulator Club will share its newsletters with other clubs upon request and hopes to hear from other clubs that would like to share newsletters with us. The club sponsors and presents a California insulator trophy at the National Insulator Association Convention which recognizes the competitive display that demonstrates "The Best Use of Western Glass". A club patch will soon be available.
Call or write:
Golden State Insulator Club
c/o Bob McLaughlin
2327 E. Goshen Ave.
Fresno, CA 93720
559-790-0194 or 559-472-3125
E-mail: (Bob McLaughlin)

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Last updated Sunday, July 21, 2019