Club Officers

Steve Gosciminski
Vice President:
Justin Stoudt
Tammy Brewer
Membership Secretary:
Mary Ann Pike
Newsletter Editor:
Mary Ann Pike
Connor Stoehr
Website Editor:
Justin Stoudt
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The 24th annual Chesapeake Bay Insulator Club summer show and sale will be held on Saturday August 9th, 2025 at Shiloh Fire Hall in York, PA. For more information, contact Greg Druck,, 717-792-9050

Dealer setup is 7am
Show hours are 9am-2pm

Dealer Contract (.PDF)

If you would like to set up a table at our show to sell or trade insulators, please print a copy of the dealer contract (listed above) and mail with payment to the address on the contract.

If you would like to set up a display at our show please let us know so we can reserve space for your display. There is no charge to set up a display, so why not show us what you've been up to?

The address for the fire hall is:
Shiloh Fire Hall
2190 Carlisle Rd
York, PA 17408