Club Officers

Steve Gosciminski
Vice President:
Justin Stoudt
Tammy Brewer
Membership Secretary:
Mary Ann Pike
Newsletter Editor:
Mary Ann Pike
Connor Stoehr
Website Editor:
Justin Stoudt
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The 36th annual Chesapeake Bay Insulator Club spring show and sale will be held on Saturday March 8th, 2025 at The United Hook & Ladder Company #33 in New Oxford, PA. For more information contact Gus Stafford,, 717-790-9183.

Dealer set up at 7am
Show hours are 9am-2pm

Dealer Contract (.PDF)

If you would like to set up a table at our show to sell or trade insulators, please print a copy of the dealer contract (listed above) and mail with payment to the address on the contract.

If you would like to set up a display at our show please let us know so we can reserve space for your display. There is no charge to set up a display, so why not show us what you've been up to?

The address for the fire hall is:
The United Hook & Ladder Company #33
21 North Bolton St.
New Oxford, PA 17350
GPS Link: