Canadian Pony Insulators
One Collector’s Research
By Dudley Ellis
90 pages, 8 1/2” x 11”, soft bound (2013) |
Canadian CD 102 ponies are a favorite of many insulator collectors because they come in many varieties and colors. Canadian Pony
Insulators One Collector's Research is the culmination of over twenty years of collecting and comprehensive research by the author,
pertaining to all known Canadian CD 102 ponies.
Discussion Topics:
- What a Canadian pony insulator collector needs to know about Canadian Telegraph and Telephone history.
- What a Canadian pony insulator collector needs to know about Canadian glass houses.
- Canadian ponies’ glass colors and inclusions.
- The invention of the pony insulator.
- No embossed Canadian ponies made in two part molds.
- No embossings and no name Canadian ponies made in three part molds
- The four mold styles of Diamond embossed pony insulators.
- Canadian CD 102 ponies embossed with telephone company names or initials, city or country.
- All color pictures
- A Canadian Glass House History Chart
- A six page color chart showing all skirt numbers for single diamond embossed insulators
- Full color page showing twenty different colored Mold Style I single diamond embossed ponies.
The book cost is $25 USD plus shipping and handling as listed below:
- Shipping to the US add $5 USD
- Shipping to Canada add $15.50 USD
Payments may be made by checks payable to the author from a U.S. bank, U.S. Money Orders, Canadian Postal Money Order or PayPal.
Contact the author for shipments to other countries.
- Send Checks and Money Orders to:
Dudley Ellis
Dept. WWW
131 Plantation Way
Stockbridge, GA 30281
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Last updated December 6, 2016