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Two Days After Christmas

'Twas two days after Christmas, and all thru the house
      all the creatures were exhausted, even the mouse

Empty stockings still hung by the fireplace this year
      the kids emptied them so fast, they were on a tear

The kids were still playing, plenty of toys to spare
      while visions of credit card bill still gave me a scare

With ma in her her bathrobe, and I in my slipper,
      I just settled with a cup of coffee and the daily paper, and a plate of fresh kippers

When over by my window, there arose such a clatter
      I sprang from my armchair, to see what was the matter

Away to the window I flew like a bird
      and passed a great looking purple insula-tor

The sun shone in the window and bathed us in its light
      and passed thru that purple insulator, and it looked just oh so right

The light dazzled and scattered and reflected off the walls
      it was prettier than the Christmas lights, the decorations, and balls

There's something majestic, so special, so right,
      when the sun hits an insulator in a manner just right

But the cats were playing by that window by far
      and I had to prevent them from turning the treasures to shards

The floors were all covered with boxes and ribbon,
      paper and packages, coats, hats, and mittens

But I got to the window in just the nick of time
      to save those insulators that were mine, mine and mine

As I admired my collection, while the kids played their games,
      I whistled and shouted and called them by name

Oh suspensions, Oh ponies, Hello beehives and tolls,
      hello threaded (but no threadless), some new, most quite old

The weather outside, with the sun was till freezin'
      but I was warmed by the glow of this holiday season

The world isn't perfect and is quite far from quite right
      in some senses it gives one quite the right fright

But with the sunrise tomorrow and with its first light
      it will hit that insulator the same, and scatter its light

And so I'm reminded to spread this good cheer,
      not just now but also the rest of the year

And so with apologies to the late Clement Moore,
      I'll wrap this up and finish this score

As life marches on, with its good times and bad,
      I wish you all the best, and hope that you are glad

Now my bad rhyming and meter shall close,
      with my best wishes for all the best in the New Year,

Happy Collecting, and no more bad prose!

By: Jeff NucciaroneView Icon Profile,
       University Park, PA

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