1906 - Guanajuato Upgrade
2004 - New Find The top wire on the original
1903 Guanajuato line was
vulnerable to lightening strikes. In 1906, the towers were fitted with a
lower crossarm to carry the third insulator. The pipe which previously
supported the top insulator was used for a fourth wire, grounded at each
tower. The additional wire provided excellent protection against
lightening and became standard practice for the industry. When the
grounded wire was added, the line was also fitted with larger
insulators. In particularly lightening-prone regions, the huge M-3990
was used. In less exposed areas, a smaller insulator of similar design
was used, as shown in the photo to the left (compare with photo of 1903
line). No specimens of either of these insulators have ever
been recovered until 2004 and are shown here for the first time. The
M-3990 on the left is 18in. diameter and 20in. tall, making it larger
than the M-4800. The new discovery on the right was assigned M-3940 by
Elton Gish in July, 2005. They were both recovered from the line in late
2004 by our collaborator Alonso Rodriguez. |

M-3990 M-3940