This is a scarce piece [010] ! The first one of these I saw was the 2002 Springfield show - there were 2 of them there. One sold for $55.00 and the other was, I think, $60.00. So much for the price guide value of 15-20! Why were they so high? Decide you want one and see how long it takes to find one. My personal opinion is that they used these in a limited area and someone who pulled one probably pulled a few. Thus the scarcity of the item remains a mystery to some. So far I have seen 5 of these gems. [id=72698258] for a pic of an unlisted Teal Blue CD 162.5 [id=72698980] for a pic of a Dark Green CD 162.5 [id=72699314] for a pic of an aqua CD 162.5 [id=72699878] for a pic of all 4 together. |