Awesome Electric Blue Mickey Mouse Insulator

By Ross Baird; posted September 7, 2003

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Here is a beauty from the Kansas City! This CD 257 is embossed HEMINGRAY / PATENT JUNE 17 1890, MAY 2 1893 with sharp drip points. The color is rich electric blue, some collectors refer to this as peacock blue. There is a nice milk swirls in each ear and an incredible milky crystallized heavy swirl and band right in front that loops down into the skirt! The condition is fantastic with a small fisheye ping on top of one ear, one peck on the ring and four drip points have flakes on the inside. All of my sales have a satisfaction guarantee, or your money back less shipping, or any other charges. Feel free to E-mail me should you have any questions. The price is $1250 which includes shipping and insurance. You can pay through PayPal and I will ship the next day. Thanks for looking!