Depression Green S.S.& Co. Mfg's.

By Brent Burger; posted August 20, 2001

Original not available


I spotted this on a pole in a downtown alley when I first came to Spokane. Having spent too many years in the swamp (Seattle), I thought it was just a McLaughlin. Speaking with another collector who had lived there forever, I was informed that McL 162's were never found in Spokane, so another look was in order. Took along my BIG binocs to get some good recon, .... it was SB and had A LOT of writing on it! Two possibilities, a Denver, or a S.S.&Co., either one in green was a find! Trouble was, there was some nasty power hanging on it. I "interviewed" a number of Water Power linemen about doing a job for beer money, but never got a satisfactory answer. Then one day, all the power was gone! Just a house drop on a bail, about 10' of wire one way, about 30' the other! On a frozen Sunday morning I got up nice and early and made a commando run, hoping for minimal exposure in a high exposure area. Naturally, a family came right by heading for breakfast and a kid in the group had to loudly make a fuss about the man on the pole. I buttoned up and got down. The color in the air turned out to be far more intense once cleaned. Funny thing too, .... about 1/2 of the piece had white paint on it. It had been used on a house and this was its second install, or maybe more? Shown on a depression green measuring cup for comparison.