When I was about 12, a friend and I rode our Schwinn Stingrays 75 miles round trip to go look at a line I had seen on a drive with my parents. We left early in the AM, and returned for dinner. The lead was an 8 circuit lead, all on side pins. There were two of these on the same pole, opposing pins. My friend won the toss to climb. It was in broad daylight, across from the grade school in Fall City, Wash. about 1972. To get to the Stars, one had to climb THROUGH the wires, with no place to rest as the wires were removed. My friend said he was too tired to get the second one and was coming down. I told him that I was keeping the one he had already tossed down if he did! He got the other one! Photos cannot capture just how yellow this insulator is! I am told by old timers that these were only found in the Northwest. Mother never knew we left the neighborhood! |